Learning About Podiatry Treatments

Learning About Podiatry Treatments

Tips For Avoiding Foot Injuries As A New Runner

Raul Wheeler

Running is, at face value, one of the world's simplest sports. It requires little equipment, no formal instruction, and no gym membership. Many people who get into running for the first time pull their old tennis shoes out of the back corner or the closet and take a tentative first jog around the block.

However, starting any new exercise can put you risk for injury. If you are careful, however, you can successfully complete a training program without injury. Here are some tips to help.

1. Get properly fitted for shoes.

Proper shoes can really help you avoid having trouble when you run. Shoes provide stability, and when they are properly fitted, they protect your ankle from strain. They also provide some shock absorption to reduce the wear and tear on your joints. Shoes that are old, even if you did not wear them much, will begin to break down quickly and won't offer much support during a run. Visit a running store and have your feet sized and your gait analyzed before trying several pairs.

2. Start slowly when training.

Starting slowly is essential when you begin any sport. Even if you've been active in some other sport recently, it's still important to go only short distances and to walk frequently. Running places a unique strain on your joints and muscles, and it can take your body time to recover at first. This slow start may seem frustrating, but it builds the foundation for decades of successful (and injury free) runs in the future. Your patience will pay off.

3. Cross-train.

Cross training helps you avoid over training one specific group of muscles. Running is the same motion over and over, so some muscles get stronger while other remain underdeveloped. On days when you don't run, you could try swimming, lifting weights, cycling, or even dancing. These activities help your running muscles rest while allowing other parts of your body to get stronger.

Eventually, cross-training will make you better runner because your overall fitness level increases. 

4. Rest.

Finally, while you may be excited about your new commitment to fitness, resting is still important. Spend rest days doing recovery exercises like leisurely walking, yoga, or light stretching. Take time every night to get plenty of sleep, and make sure that you fully hydrate and eat a healthy meal after running to help your body heal. 

For more information about foot injury, visit a podiatrist near you. 


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Learning About Podiatry Treatments

Hello, I am Francis Baker. Welcome to my website about podiatrist treatments. When I hurt my foot dancing with friends, I visited my doctor to have an x-ray performed. My doctor immediately referred me to a local podiatrist for care. Since that moment, I have dedicated my free time to learning all I can about podiatry treatments. The field fascinates me in its complexity, so I decided to share the knowledge I’ve gained with you all through this site. I hope you will enjoy visiting my site daily to learn more about podiatry treatments. Thank you for coming to read through my site.